City of Houston Neighborhood Restoration Centers
The City of Houston, along with local non-profit organization partners, has opened 9 Neighborhood Restoration Centers in some of the neighborhoods hardest hit by Harvey.
The centers intend to provide neighborhood residents with information and connections to resources to help them in their recovery as well as establish plans for resiliency of the neighborhood. The centers provide four main service areas:
- Outreach, Engagement, and Assessment;
- Disaster Recovery Information;
- Workshops & Special Events and
- Direct Services.
Restoration Center Locations & Hours
2-1-1 Texas/United Way HELPLINE
Call 2-1-1 to reach the United Way Helpline. The Helpline is open 24 hours/day to support Harvey survivors. United Way Helpline specialists connect callers with the help they need, from emergency shelter and other urgent needs, to help with basic needs, like food and transportation. 2-1-1 maintains up-to-date information on shelters and other essential resources. Case management support can also be requested.
UW After the Storm Resource Guide